Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 1. HED Class Project.

Today in Health, we have this Change of Behavior project.
It's where we change something that we do, in order to improve ourselves. 

I chose to lose some weight, so I will change my lazy ways and exercise.

Some things about me.

My name is Stephanie, but I go by Mikkun as well. 
I'm 20 years old and I live in SoCal.

I plan to lose some weight with the help of this blog.

My starting weight as of 
August 23, 2010 is 125lbs.

I hope to reach my goal of 110lbs.
Wish me luck!
What I wore today. ;o; It was hot, yet not. I got to ride my bike for a little bit. :] Isn't it pretty? LOL.

My accessories atop my hat. Not much since I don't buy a lot, I'm thinking I might start though. The necklace was given to me by a friend. Anchor Blue $10 (plus another style for free) and the rosary bracelet (pearls!) was given to me by my mom from the PI. :] It's on top of my hat since my desk is an ugly green color with cracks. xD

At school today. My friend studied with two of his text books....opposed to me who just sits there and games. xD No, just kidding. I already finished my work and didn't have any books with me.

I went to Disneyland a few days ago with some of my family, and I totally wanted to buy these caramel apples. ;o; The rainbow ones look so  yummy <33

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